Curator of the special project of Hometextile & Design Trend Rooms exhibition Zoya Ti

Introducing the architect and curator of Trend Rooms 2024 at Hometextile & Design - Zoya Ti

- Trend Analyst
- Consultant to companies in the field of trends.
- Designer of exhibition spaces, 20 years in interior design
- Researcher of color perception and its influence on humans
- Colorist and author of basic palette for Finch brand.
- Author of trend articles for leading print and electronic publications.
- Author of unique training programs on Interior Coloristry and Psychology of Color Perception, more than 2000 Russian-speaking students from all over the world.
- She lectures on color and trends at leading Russian and international conferences for designers and decorators.

Zoya Tee notes that interior design, like any creative work, in one way or another processes and recreates trends that are formed in society under the influence of various external factors. Politics, economy, social life, significant local and world events - all this forms the general emotional background, which, in turn, affects the needs and mood of consumers.

All these trends will be reflected in the conceptual zone of interior solutions Trend Rooms 2024.
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